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  • The Danger Rising of "Just Cause 4" is Now Available

    Tempo: Sep. 9, 2019

    Square Enix has launched Just Cause 4: Danger Rising for Gold Edition and Season Pass holders. This is the third and last part of the "Dare Devils, Demons and Danger" expansion pass and the biggest expansion of Just Cause 4 since its launch. It includes 9 new missions, as well as exciting new equipment, weapons and vehicles. We also have a new addition to Rico's already impressive Traversal Suite: a fully functional hoverboard.

    In the history of Danger Rising, huge submarines appear off the coast of the island of Solis, acting as gigantic outposts of the Agency that have arrived to pursue Agent Rico and recover his technology. You must demolish all the strengths to bring the agency to your knees. Each underwater base poses new game challenges and requires a new approach to its decommissioning strategy.

    Rico takes on a new challenging challenge: an enemy with the same technology and training as him. For the first time, Rico has to fight against other agents, tough and dangerous opponents, with his own fighters and incredible new high-tech weapons.

    Just Cause 4 is a great sandbox type experience, rich in exaggerated actions and an incredible game.

    Just Cause 4 goes even crazier! We are very happy that the players finally have the hoverboard in ONLY CAUSE 4 in their hands. It is a game changer that allows our players to approach the content in a completely new way.

    Just Cause 4: Danger Rising is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.

    Gold Edition buyers will have access to the Just Cause 4: Danger Rising DLC ​​7 days in advance, starting August 29. Access to the standard edition will begin on September 5, 2019.

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